Co-op Local Community Fund Support Astbury Mere!

Co-op Local Community Fund Support Astbury Mere!

We’re delighted Astbury Mere Country Park has been selected to take part in the Co-op Local Community Fund, all CO-OP members need to do is select Astbury Mere as the cause they would like to support! Local stores in our community are: Business Store Name Store Post...
Walking during periods of social distancing

Walking during periods of social distancing

The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned many people’s world’s upside down, social distancing, furlough, homeschooling, working from home etc are all terms and practises we have had to get used to over the last year!  But it is as important as ever that we do...

Keeping the country side safe during COVID-19

Get the latest information from GOV.UK about coronavirus.   If you’re planning on spending time in your local countryside for your daily exercise, please enjoy green spaces safely and remember to:  Stick to designated pathways  Keep dogs under effective...
Astbury Mere Dog Walkers Code of Conduct

Astbury Mere Dog Walkers Code of Conduct

? Dog walkers are very welcome at Astbury Mere. The site offers plenty of opportunities for you to exercise your dog (and yourself!) all year round! To make sure your visit is safe and that others may enjoy their activities we ask that all dog walkers adhere to the...