The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned many people’s world’s upside down, social distancing, furlough, homeschooling, working from home etc are all terms and practises we have had to get used to over the last year!
But it is as important as ever that we do what we can to look after our physical and mental wellbeing. Walking is one way we can do this.
Astbury Mere is a beautiful open space with wide paths which can be enjoyed by all with a little care and thought for others.
Everyday walking
Currently, you can walk outside for exercise more than once per day, as long as you are alone or with members of your household, or with members from up to two other households, and keep at a distance of at least 2m from other people. If choosing to walk with members from another household, you must stay 2m apart. We’ve put together some tips on how you can make the most of short, local walks.
Fresh air and being outdoors is not only positive for your physical health, but it can help to reduce any stress, anxiety or other mental health conditions. We believe it is important for people to continue to enjoy short, local walks where it is safe and appropriate to do so.
Did you know that being around trees can boost your immune system? Something that could come in handy right now! Trees emit organic compounds called phytoncides which can help improve our immune system when we breathe them in.
Read more walking tips on
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we can not open the public toilets or visitor centre at this time, please check back for updates as we move out of lockdown in the coming weeks.
Stay safe and take care.
Astbury Mere Trust Team.