Astbury Mere Blog





Astbury Mere Country Park is owned and run by a local Charitable Trust which raises all of its own funds and needs at least £65,000 annually to keep the park open.   The trust aims to make continual improvements to the country park.  Recently they have...

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Sandy Bear Takes a Holiday

Sandy Bear Takes a Holiday

Sandy Bear has sat watching over the Mere since Bearmania in 2011,  He was feeling a little tired, so we decided he deserved a holiday.  He has gone away for  a short break, where he will have a few days rest and will be treated to a well earned repaint to be restored...

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Ride the Beartown Rickshaw

Ride the Beartown Rickshaw

What could be nicer than to be taken for a free ride around Astbury Mere in a rickshaw with somebody else doing all the work.  All you have to do is admire the view and feel the wind in your hair. Maybe stop for a hot drink, maybe see some friends for a chat. All this...

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Question: What Happens when Swans Breed?

Question: What Happens when Swans Breed?

 Answer : The female lays eggs between late April and early May. Both sexes incubate the eggs, which hatch after 35-41 days.  The young birds, or cygnets, sometimes ride on their parents' backs and remain with the adult birds for four or five months.  Cygnets are...

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Nature Watch – The park wakes up in spring

Nature Watch – The park wakes up in spring

 Margaret, one of our trustees, took a look around the park during the spring.  These is what she saw: “During  lockdown, we've all seen more closely the gradual changing of the seasons with the first tentative snowdrops, the catkins and the pussy willow.  The Park...

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Get in Touch

Astbury Mere Trust is always looking to improve the park so please get in contact if you have any feedback, questions or ideas!

For events and organisations who use the park please contact the providers directly, contact details on the What's On Page.