? Dog walkers are very welcome at Astbury Mere.
The site offers plenty of opportunities for you to exercise your dog (and yourself!) all year round!
To make sure your visit is safe and that others may enjoy their activities we ask that all dog walkers adhere to the site’s Code of Conduct:
? Prevent your dog from fouling. If your dog does foul pick it up and
either use one of the dog bins on site or take it home.
? Keep your dog under close control. This means that your dog should either be on a lead or if off lead then within your sight and immediately responsive to your return command.
? Ensure that your dog does not interfere with other users of the site, in particular people fishing in the lake and children who could be intimidated by your dog.

? Obey all signage even if it might restrict your access, especially where you are asked to put your dog on a lead or are asked to prevent your dog from entering certain parts of the lake or lakeshore.
? Be respectful of the site and do not cause undue disturbance to wildlife.
? Report any problems or difficulties to the site Ranger.
– supported by the Astbury Mere Dog-Friendly Society, Astbury Mere Trust, Stoke on Trent Angling Society and Cheshire East Council.
Thank you – and enjoy your walk