Ride the Beartown Rickshaw

Ride the Beartown Rickshaw

What could be nicer than to be taken for a free ride around Astbury Mere in a rickshaw with somebody else doing all the work.  All you have to do is admire the view and feel the wind in your hair. Maybe stop for a hot drink, maybe see some friends for a chat. All this...
Trustees & Volunteers Needed at Astbury Mere Congleton

Trustees & Volunteers Needed at Astbury Mere Congleton

Trustees Wanted Outdoor parks and similar places to meet have never been more valuable to the community than now.  If you would like to do something new and community-based this year, why not volunteer to help Astbury Mere Country Park’s Board of Trustees. Ideally,...
Co-op Local Community Fund Support Astbury Mere!

Co-op Local Community Fund Support Astbury Mere!

We’re delighted Astbury Mere Country Park has been selected to take part in the Co-op Local Community Fund, all CO-OP members need to do is select Astbury Mere as the cause they would like to support! Local stores in our community are: Business Store Name Store Post...
Walking during periods of social distancing

Walking during periods of social distancing

The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned many people’s world’s upside down, social distancing, furlough, homeschooling, working from home etc are all terms and practises we have had to get used to over the last year!  But it is as important as ever that we do...